Interacting with other fields

UI extensions can interact with the other fields of the form, and with the form itself.

For these purposes, the form property exposes the following methods:

Method Signature Description
change (fieldName: string, value: any) => Promise<void> changes the value of another field
getState () => Promise<FormState> returns the current form state
getFieldState (fieldName: string) => Promise<FieldState> returns the given field state
subscribeToFieldState (fieldName: string, callback: (state: FieldState, subscription: FieldSubscription) => void) => Promise<Unsubscribe> opens a subscription to a field's state changes
subscribeToFormState (callback: (state: FormState) => void, subscription: FormSubscription) => Promise<Unsubscribe>; opens a subscrition to the form's state changess


Internally, GraphCMS uses final-form to manage form and field states.


See FormState on final-form.

The FormSubscription param has the same shape as FormState, but using a boolean to describe which state changes you want to subscribe to.

subscribeToFormState((state) => console.log(state.dirty, state.errors), {
// react only to form `dirty` and `invalid` state changes
dirty: true,
invalid: true,


See FormState on final-form.

The FieldSubscription param has the same shape as FieldState, but using a boolean to describe which state changes you want to subscribe to.

subscribeToFieldState('title', (state) => console.log(state.value), {
// react only to field `value` changes
value: true,


Both subscribeToFieldState and subscribeToFormState return a function to be called when needing to unsubscribe from changes. In order to avoid perfomance issues, make sure to unsubscribe any existing subscription before subscribing again.

Example in React:

React.useEffect(async () => {
const unsubscribe = await subscribeToFieldState(
(state) => console.log(state.value),
{ value: true },
return () => unsubscribe();
}, []);

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